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Do you want to become a Key Person of Influence?

Being a Key Person of Influence (KPI) essentially means having a strong personal brand. KPIs are known for being an expert in their field, and are attractors with a strong gravitational pull. They energise their entire organisation, and bring far more to the table than high productivity, a functionality increasingly replaced by AI and almost doomed to be absorbed by it entirely. 

In other words, being a KPI is a massive strength in an environment where the way we organise ourselves is shifting away from proximity and towards prioritising shared values and mission. As businesses across the board seek to do more with less, they’re reducing the fixed nature of their talent pools to gain the flexibility to handle volatility in sales, meaning that KPIs will be a natural first hiring choice for the best opportunities.

And who wouldn’t want to be first in line for that? 

So, how can you become a KPI? Fortunately, Daniel Priestley has the answer in the form of a handy five step guide.

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About Daniel 

Daniel Priestley is a successful entrepreneur who's built businesses in Australia, Singapore, and the UK. He's the co-founder of Dent Global, one of the world's top business accelerators for entrepreneurs and leaders to stand-out and scale-up. With offices in London, Sydney, Singapore and Tampa, the program is endorsed by the Institute of Leadership and Management. Over 500 entrepreneurs and leaders, each year participate globally in developing their businesses with the support of high net worth mentors. Daniel is the author of four best-selling books Key Person of Influence, Entrepreneur Revolution, Oversubscribed and 24 Assets. He's named in the Top 10 Business Advisors in the UK by Enterprise Nation and one of the top 25 entrepreneurs in London in the Smith & Williamson Power 100 Awards.


Daniel's Books 



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